Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Callie: Mom, I need a place to hang up my necklace.
Me: Why don't you put it in your jewelry box?
Callie. No, I want to hang it up. Maybe Daddy will put a hooker in my room.

The following conversation is heresay. I didn't actually hear it myself. The doctor did tell me about it firsthand. I'm pretty sure she's a reliable source. Chandler is underweight and the doctor has been after him about his eating.

Dr.: Chandler, how have you been doing with your eating?
Chandler: Mostly, I like to fast.
Dr.: Fast?
Chandler: Yes, Jesus, fasted for forty days and forty nights and I'm willing to do it.

The doctor was a little confused until I explained what fasting was and the we were NOT requiring our underweight six year old to do it. (For those of you who aren't members of our church, on the first Sunday of the month, the ADULTS skip two meals and donate the money they would have spent on the meals to the hungry.) Anyway, I honestly don't know where he got that. On the way home Chandler and I had the following conversation:

Me: Chandler! Why did you tell the doctor you wanted to fast? She thought Mommy was making you go without food!
Chandler: Well, I do want to fast.
Me: You have your whole life to be grown up and fast. Right now you need go concentrate on eating right and growing big and strong.
Chandler: I just want to feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus.

What the heck am I supposed to say to that??

(On a side note, Chandler is doing better with his eating. He gained another pound last month.)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back to School

Back to School!
Back to School!
To prove to Dad that I'm not a fool!
I got my lunch packed up,
My boots tied tight!
I hope I don't get in a fight!
Ohhhh, back to school, back to school!
Here goes nothing!

I know you're all closet Billy Madison fans. I haven't seen it in like ten years, but the night before school started, I couldn't get this song out of my head.
August was back to school for three out of four Sparkmans. David started his student teaching in Tipton County. He spends about an hour in the car each way, 8 hours at school, 5 hours each night at Fed Ex, and very few hours sleeping. He is working very hard and we are so proud of him. I'm glad I have the below photo to remind me what he looks like.

I made him take a posed back to school picture, like the kids. He loved it. (maybe not)

Chandler is a big 1st grader this year. He was not excited to leave kindergarten behind. (Hey, who wants to give up snack time and naps?) He loves science and math and tolerates reading and writing. He recently has decided he wants to be a marine biologist. If you want to hear a mouthful, ask him about dolphins and echolocation.

Callie Grace started her last year of preschool. I can't believe my baby is four. She is already asking when she gets to ride the bus to the big school with her brother. She just started gymnastics and loves it, unlike last year when she screamed until they took her out.

One day it will be Mommy's turn to go back to school. I will make sure Dave takes a picture of me with my backpack. Until then, I will make sure the lunches are packed and the boots tied tight.