Thursday, September 25, 2008

Callie's New 'do

I got tired of fighting with Callie's hair. She sleeps with a blanket over her head and wakes up every morning with thick knots and tangles. She also pulls bows and barettes out, so most of the time she looks like her mother doesn't bother to do her hair. It's very sad. You should have seen her school picture. Anyway, after consulting with her stylist (Aunt Stine), we decided a new haircut was in order. Callie wasn't too hip on the idea until her Stine told her it would be a "Dora" haircut. And it would involve a sucker. (I mean the lollipop kind.) She was sold.
The rear view
The bow actually stayed in at school yesterday. A small victory, but we'll take it!


Christine said...

Her anut stine did a great job- but if she is keeping her bangs they could use a little trim!

jewly said...

I love her new hair cut.

Alicia said...

Aaaauh! (how do you write that sound?!) Very cute, Callie Grace.

erin said...

Very cute! She looks so grown up!

Anonymous said...

Pa says Callie would be cute with any kind of hair cut. Ma agrees with Pa.

Dawn said...

Love the hair cut!! She looks precious!!!

Susan said...

SO cute! I love it! And I love that you got her to do that by calling it a "Dora" cut! Caroline totally would've fallen for that!