Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Finger, A Foot, and some Tonsils

The past few weeks has our family thankful for the miracles of modern medicine. And health insurance. And priesthood blessings. And good friends and family who watch kids, cook meals, and call just to see if we need anything. We love you all.

David started it all. He was sitting on a tug at FedEx. Another weary employee ran his tug into David's. It hit the front wheel and spun Dave's steering wheel. Dave tried to get his hand out of the way, but was not quick enough to avoid the impact on his pinky. It almost took it clean off. His bone was severed. After some workers compenstation red tape, he got to see an orthopedic doctor after 5 days. I was not happy. Anyway, turns out there isn't much you can do for a broken finger. Just wear this awesome splint. He was just recently taken off "light duty" at work.

A few weeks later I had surgery on my foot. Dave informs me that I am worse than average at the crutches. I was glad to send them packing. My arms were hurting worse than my foot. I am now getting around pretty good. It still hurts, but I anticipate that it will for a while. I also get to wear this sweet shoe for 4 weeks. It goes with everything. Wish I had two. (not)

Good thing I am walking again, since Callie had surgery herself this morning. For some reason her tonsils decided to grow as big as golf balls. She was having trouble sleeping and swallowing, so they had to come out asap. We went in to see the doctor again Tuesday and he scheduled the surgery for Thursday. Callie was such a trooper. It turns out Daisy needed surgery too. Her tonsils were even bigger than Callie's. Daisy and Callie got matching surgical gowns and slippers. I hope I get to see this happy smile again sometime soon.

The surgery was really quick. Callie was NOT a happy girl in the recovery room. I could hear her sobbing, "I want my mommy!" as I walked down the hall. Once she was in my lap, she went right to sleep. It's hard to take a picture of someone in your lap, in case you were wondering.

The children's hospital here has a special toy room called the "bunny room", where the kids pick out a toy on the way to surgery. Callie picked out a baby doll. I don't know how well you can see, but Callie had a purple bandage on her arm where her IV was. When she came back from surgery, both Daisy and her new baby doll had a purple bandage on their arms too. It almost made me laugh out loud as I rocked my sad, sick little girl.

We're home now and Callie is sleeping. She wanted to stop at Chick-fil-a on the way home and get chicken and fries. I told her she would have to make do with a popcicle. She ate a whole one and then went to sleep on the couch. Hopefully her recovery will be speedy. And I pronounce our family done with doctors, hospitals, and anesthesia for a while. We can hope.


Heather said...

How crazy to have so many medical things all at once. I hope Callie recovers quickly. Good luck with your foot too. I think I'd be the same with the crutches!!

Wheatley Family said...

Hopefully we won't have a repeat of the 10 plauges

Dawn said...

Hope all are better sooon! Can't wait for the sisterhood of the traveling pants!!!

Britt said...

Wow. Glad you are all on the mend!

Alicia said...

Goodness! I hadn't heard about Dave's finger at all. My mom just had her finger smashed to pieces, too. Not fun. I'm sorry for all ya'll's owies, and glad to hear you're on the recovery side of things. Love you!

erin said...

Wow, I had no clue any of that was going on! I hope you all get well soon! Lovin' the new shoe you're sporting! I'm glad David still has a pinky finger and I love that Callie has her doll and Daisy all patched up like her!

Sarah (and a few others) said...

Good grief! That sounds awful.

Hannah has a puppy, that we call "The Terrence" with multiple bandages. He may never fully heal.

Susan said...

Poor Callie! I bet you were more nervous about her surgery than she was though! I love that Daisy got a gown too - how sweet! Hope y'all are feeling better soon!

moaspen said...

Whoa, that is rough. when it rains it pours. I guess it's good it's now out of the way. And glad he didn't lose the finger altogether. you're in our thoughts!