Saturday, October 18, 2008

Callie's Fall Break

Callie had a whole week off of preschool for fall break. We were able to go to the Children's Museum and the Zoo. I don't have pictures of my own, these are all rip offs from other blogs. Thanks guys!
The girls watching the sea lion show.

The kids played in the fountain at the zoo all summer. (It's allowed, as long as you stay away from the water sprays.) Several times we drove down there and hardly saw any animals. It was all about the water. When I told Callie we were going to the zoo, she asked if she could wear her bathing suit. I assured her it was too cold to play in the water. Turns out it wasn't, so the girls went in their clothes.

We are the proud holders of a Children's Museum pass, so we've been spending a lot of time there lately, especially when it's raining outside.
Here's the fire truck. Callie loves to drive, like her Mom. Anytime our family goes anywhere, I drive. Otherwise I drive from the passenger seat, which doesn't go over so well with Dave.
The lovely ladies of Ladder 39

Callie and Claire being hauled off to the clink.

Fishing in the river. Getting wet is always fun!

The maze/cage. I wonder if I can get one of these at home?


erin said...

Oh, how I miss the CMOM!!!! We don't have one of those here! Looks like fun!

Christine said...

Maybe we can build us a hamster cage in my back yard?