Saturday, October 18, 2008

Something's missing...

It's official. Chandler's lost his first tooth. David and I got a little misty as we remembered when he first got that tooth. Then I remembered how much he used to bite me with it and I felt better. :) Our little boy is growing up so fast! The tooth fairy came and left him a dollar. It burned a hole in his pocket until we got to the dollar store later this week. He traded it in for a police dress up kit. Awesome!


jewly said...

That is so cool.

erin said...

Yeah Chandler Man!!! Welcome to the big boys club!!! :)
And Callie is looking sooooo grown up in these posts....where did the time go?

Sarah (and a few others) said...

Hannah had so much fun with her boyfriend yesterday! Now Chandler can do all kindsa goofy toothless tricks.

Curtis said...

Congrats Chandler! I can't believe how old you're getting. I can't take your stuff, you're too old.