Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kindergarten Eve

'Twas the night before Kindergarten, when all through the home,
Not a creature was stirring, except for the Mom;
The new school outfit was lain on the dresser with care,
In hopes of a timely arrival on our first day there;
The children and father were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of worry danced in my head,
I set the alarm clock and prayed for relief,
Knowing that tonight would be short on sleep.
When from the boy’s room there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the door I flew like a flash,
Turned on the light and saw with a gasp
Chandler sleeping soundly, which was a rare sight to see
My imagination once again was running away with me.
When, what to my wandering mind should remember,
But a tiny blue bundle, looking just like his father.
It seems like just yesterday, I first held him close,
Now I’m sending him to school, this boy I love most.
I blow him a kiss and then quickly shut the door
And head down the stairs, to check the supply list once more.
It’s all here, the items we’ve been collecting
I wonder if a pack mule is available for the hefting.
I hope the morning brings a new sense of perspective
If not, I hope the waterproof mascara will be effective.
I feel as I pray my burdens seem to fall.
Now dash away worry! Dash away all!
Lord, I will trust in thy plan
Please keep my boy safe in the palm of thy hand.


nicilee said...

i still have another year, yet it makes my heart ache to think of Vannah going to school. I am glad that kindergarten in only half day. It will be my weening period. They grow up too fast. It really does seem over night that they go from these little helpless babies to little people. Cute poem by the way, Cat. So creative.

erin said...

Cat, did you write the poem? I'm guessing you did and I love it! So cute! Made me sad to see little Chandler all grown up and heading off to his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow. I cried when I put my nephew on the bus for the first time....I can't imagine how I'll feel when Bri goes! Best of luck tomorrow!

Susan said...

Oh, that was so precious! I actually got a little teary! (Dave made fun of me.)

Alicia said...

Aaah. We're excited to see how the first day went! Thanks for the wonderful poem.

Christine said...

Maybe you caould write one for 1st grade

chad said...

How about one for a 2 year old?

It could be a new thing that you do for all of the kids on their birthdays, baptisms, 1st day of ___;

Better yet you should write cards for Hallmark.

Dawn said...

O.k. Seriously LOVE that poem!!!

Deborah said...

You took the words right out of my mouth(only a little more creatively)! We start Sept.2nd. Glad to see all went well! Chandler is so big!