There are many forms of funk circulating the Memphis area. A couple in particular have hit the two family homes on our street. Ethan was the first to go down, complete with two ear infections. Dave was next, except his was a stomach virus with the touch of the flu. Then Callie. Then Christine. Then Grandma. I got my own special version Saturday afternoon while attempting to clean the church. I went home and buried myself under 2 dozen blankets because I was freezing in my hoodie and polar bear pajama pants. I had a fever, the chills, and body aches while watching my beloved #1 ranked Memphis Tigers lose to our evil arch rival, Tennessee. Just when I thought I couldn't feel any worse. The tigers had a funk all their own. Anyway, today I am once again in the land of the living, which is good. Because the virus makes you feel like you may be dying. My Dad is today's latest victim and he agrees.
Here's something David and I love to say to each other when we're sick:
Sick Person: "I'm dying."
Well Person: "You're not dying. You just can't think of anything good to do."
If you can name what movie that's from, you get a gold star. It's an 80's classic.
Anyway, my pity party is over. Long live health, Tylenol PM, and the Memphis Tigers!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving

Has anyone seen "13 Going on 30"? The thirteen year old girl in it longs be thirty. She read a magazine article called "Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving." After some magic dust, she finds out that being thirty is not all it's cracked up to be.
I am happy, kind of, to state I have reached this pinnacle today. It seems pretty old to me, especially since my Mom claimed to be "29 and holding" for most of my childhood. I'm not older than my Mom, right? That would be weird.

I've begun the Langstraat tradition of a week long celebration. It mostly involves meals with anyone and everyone that wants to commerate my birth with some calories. My sister and I are headed to a "chick flick" tonight, after we eat, of course. Anyway, I've got the Thirty and Thriving down. I'm not so sure about the flirty. Ask my husband.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Is it just me or is Valentine's Day less about love and more about sugar? Chandler had a valentine party at his preschool yesterday. He had to write his name on 14 valentines for his classmates. It was quite the challenge, but we finally got there. He came home hopped up on candy and ice cream sundae. Today he had his first "Fun Dip", which was quite a treat. It was a blast from the past for me.

Callie came to my Relief Society Presidency meeting today where she was presented with a bag full of heart shaped sugar cookies. They did not last long. The kids were also very excited to receive valentines in the mail from Dave's parents (aka "Ma" and "Pa"), Aunt Veronica, and cousin Nathan.

The scary thing in Chandler's left hand is called a "Bionacle", which I am hoping is very different from a "biological." He picked it out with his Ma and Pa valentine money.

Callie with her beloved Little Mermaid Valentine and Grandma's balloons. She also received some Valentine's stickers, which were promptly applied to her face. Her valentine money was spent on a Cowgirl Dora who "drives" the horse. Earlier today Elmo was "driving" Callie's stuffed donkey.
Cat and Dave were able to sneak away for a quiet, kidless Valentine dinner. (not pictured)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Chandler's New Specs

At Chandler's 5 year old check up a few weeks ago, the doctor did a routine vision exam. He said that Chandler did not see as well as he could and we might consider getting his eyes checked. I took him to the eye doctor the next week, very wary that they might put him in some glasses he didn't need. My worry was unfounded. Not that they would put him in glasses, but the part about him not needing them. It turns out that his vision is not good. In fact his prescription is almost as bad as his Dad's. The exam was torturous, lasting close to two hours and including dilation. When it was over, he wanted to get men's size red Speedo sports glasses. We settled on some tiny wire frames. He's only had them a couple of days and is still getting used to them. I can believe how grown up they make him look.


Callie has a new favorite word. It's "corn". That's right, "corn". She thinks it’s hilarious. Some examples:
Mom: "Hey Callie, what did you do at school today?"
Callie: "Corn!" (followed by maniacal laughter)
Mom: "Callie, please get your coat on."
Callie, "Corn!" (giggling so hard she cannot physically get the coat on.)
Mom: "Callie, is your sandwich good?"
Callie: "Corn!" (as she chokes on said sandwich laughing)
The child knows a vast array of words, but for some reason, "corn" cracks her up. If anyone knows an alternative definition of corn, that makes just the mention of it hilarious, please let me know. I hate that I might be missing out on a good laugh.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
75 degrees in February??

We had a crazy warm front here today. The kids were most excited to go outside and ride their bikes.
Unfortunatley the crazy warm weather meant tornadoes. We listened the sirens for around 3 hours tonight and spent some time locked in the hallway reading stories. Chandler went to the bathroom and was afraid there might be a tornado in the shower. Mom checked and it was all clear. Whew!
Ode to Callie
I noticed that the last two posts have had to do with Chandler, so I thought it was time to have a posting all about Callie Grace. She's a little girl of many talents, namely eating, making a mess, giving great hugs and kisses, singing, being really vocal in church (Is it time for the bread? Can I have two?) and basically being a joy to her family and friends. Sadly her list of accomplishments do not yet include the potty, which she can sit on for hours (literally) with no action. Anyway, I wanted to post some of her lesser known talents for those who may not be aware.
She has the best morning hair I have ever seen.

I'm not quite sure how she does it, but I think it has something to do with sleeping with her blanket on her head. She does NOT enjoy having it combed out in the morning.
If any of you are in the market for a 2 year old babysitter, I have the girl for you. Callie loves babies, plastic or otherwise. The arrival of her cousin, Savanah ( a/k/a Vana-Vana) in October has provided a real live baby for Callie to enjoy. Whether or not Vana-Vana enjoys it is another question.

Two year old by day, Super Hero by night. Her super powers include mess making and outeating her 5 year old brother two times over. She's also awfully cute. (Is that a super power?)
She's also quite the horsewoman. Chandler shares the talent also. Let's not forget Daddy's mad skills as the horse.
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