Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ode to Callie

I noticed that the last two posts have had to do with Chandler, so I thought it was time to have a posting all about Callie Grace. She's a little girl of many talents, namely eating, making a mess, giving great hugs and kisses, singing, being really vocal in church (Is it time for the bread? Can I have two?) and basically being a joy to her family and friends. Sadly her list of accomplishments do not yet include the potty, which she can sit on for hours (literally) with no action. Anyway, I wanted to post some of her lesser known talents for those who may not be aware.

She has the best morning hair I have ever seen.

I'm not quite sure how she does it, but I think it has something to do with sleeping with her blanket on her head. She does NOT enjoy having it combed out in the morning.

If any of you are in the market for a 2 year old babysitter, I have the girl for you. Callie loves babies, plastic or otherwise. The arrival of her cousin, Savanah ( a/k/a Vana-Vana) in October has provided a real live baby for Callie to enjoy. Whether or not Vana-Vana enjoys it is another question.

Two year old by day, Super Hero by night. Her super powers include mess making and outeating her 5 year old brother two times over. She's also awfully cute. (Is that a super power?)

She's also quite the horsewoman. Chandler shares the talent also. Let's not forget Daddy's mad skills as the horse.


erin said...

My Callie Callie! I sure miss her, and she has ALWAYS had the best morning hair! Way to go Callie-G! What a cute super powered girl! Bri is loving seeing pictures of everyone on the computer!

chad said...

Missin my Callie G. I was so happy when she called to say hi to me today. Brianna said that she can't wait to see her "horsey Dave." Be good and keep up the good bloggin!

Alicia said...

Way to capture the morning hair on camera. It is nearly as good as seeing it live. Giddy-up Dave!

Anonymous said...

Callie I love your morning hair it is so wild. Maybe it comes from your nights as super powered girl.
Keep up the good work.
Ma and Pa