Friday, February 8, 2008

Chandler's New Specs

At Chandler's 5 year old check up a few weeks ago, the doctor did a routine vision exam. He said that Chandler did not see as well as he could and we might consider getting his eyes checked. I took him to the eye doctor the next week, very wary that they might put him in some glasses he didn't need. My worry was unfounded. Not that they would put him in glasses, but the part about him not needing them. It turns out that his vision is not good. In fact his prescription is almost as bad as his Dad's. The exam was torturous, lasting close to two hours and including dilation. When it was over, he wanted to get men's size red Speedo sports glasses. We settled on some tiny wire frames. He's only had them a couple of days and is still getting used to them. I can believe how grown up they make him look.


chad said...

Chan Chan looks so grown up with his glasses. You should look into getting him some rec-specs before his sucka comes to jack him up next month. I would feel terrible if I broke them givin him his whoopin!

Alicia said...

Lookin' good Chandler! I look quite distinguished in my glasses, too.

erin said...

He's so cute! He does seem grown up!

Anonymous said...

Chandler you sure do look handsome wearing your glasses. I have to get new glasses soon. I hope they look almost as good as yours.
Ma and Pa

Wheatley Family said...

He does look so grown up

Sarah (and a few others) said...

Hannah loves Chandler's glasses!